Are you looking to up your Scrabble or Wordle, Words with Friends, or Wordfeud game? Mastering 5 letter words starting with o can give you a competitive edge. Here are some gems to remember: |
oadal |
oaken |
oakum |
oared |
oaric |
oasal |
oases |
oasis |
oasts |
oaten |
oater |
oaths |
oaves |
obeah |
obeys |
obeli |
obese |
obias |
obiit |
obits |
objet |
oblat |
obley |
obmit |
oboes |
obole |
oboli |
obols |
occas |
occur |
ocean |
ocher |
ochna |
ochre |
ochry |
ochro |
ocyte |
ocker |
ocote |
ocque |
ocrea |
octad |
octal |
octan |
octet |
octic |
octyl |
ocuby |
oculi |
odder |
oddly |
odell |
odeon |
odeum |
odyle |
odyls |
odist |
odium |
odoom |
odors |
odour |
oecus |
oelet |
oenin |
ofays |
offal |
offed |
offer |
offic |
often |
ofter |
oftly |
ogams |
ogeed |
ogees |
ogham |
oghuz |
ogive |
ogled |
ogler |
ogles |
ogmic |
ogres |
ohare |
ohelo |
ohias |
ohing |
ohmic |
ohone |
oyana |
oicks |
oidia |
oyers |
oiled |
oiler |
oylet |
oinks |
oisin |
okays |
okapi |
okehs |
okras |
okrug |
olcha |
olchi |
olden |
older |
oldie |
oleic |
olein |
olena |
olent |
oleos |
olepy |
oleum |
olios |
oliva |
olive |
ollas |
ollav |
ollie |
ology |
olona |
olpae |
olpes |
olson |
omaha |
omani |
omasa |
omber |
ombre |
omega |
omens |
omers |
omina |
omits |
omlah |
omnes |
omrah |
oncer |
onces |
oncet |
oncia |
oncin |
onery |
onymy |
onion |
onium |
onker |
onkos |
onlay |
onlap |
onmun |
onset |
ontal |
ontic |
oobit |
oohed |
oolak |
oolly |
oomph |
oopak |
oopod |
oorie |
ootid |
oozed |
oozes |
oozoa |
opahs |
opals |
opata |
opelu |
opens |
opera |
ophic |
ophir |
ophis |
opine |
oping |
opium |
opsin |
opted |
optic |
orach |
oracy |
orage |
orale |
orals |
orang |
orans |
orant |
oraon |
orary |
orate |
orbed |
orbic |
orbit |
orcas |
orcin |
order |
ordos |
oread |
oreas |
orgal |
organ |
orgia |
orgic |
orgue |
orias |
oribi |
oriel |
oriya |
orion |
oryza |
orkey |
orles |
orlet |
orlon |
orlop |
orlos |
ormer |
ornes |
ornis |
oromo |
orpin |
orpit |
orris |
orrow |
orsel |
orson |
ortet |
ortho |
ortyx |
ortol |
orvet |
osage |
osaka |
oscan |
oscar |
oscin |
osela |
oshac |
oshea |
oside |
osier |
oskar |
osmic |
osmin |
osmol |
osone |
ossal |
ossea |
osset |
ossia |
ostia |
ostic |
otary |
otate |
other |
othin |
otyak |
otium |
otkon |
otomi |
ottar |
otter |
ottos |
ouabe |
ought |
ouija |
oukia |
oulap |
ounce |
oundy |
ounds |
ouphe |
ouphs |
ourie |
ousel |
ousia |
ousts |
outas |
outby |
outdo |
outed |
outen |
outer |
outgo |
outly |
outre |
ouvre |
ouzel |
ouzos |
ovals |
ovant |
ovary |
ovate |
ovens |
overs |
overt |
ovest |
ovile |
ovine |
ovism |
ovist |
ovoid |
ovoli |
ovolo |
ovula |
ovule |
owght |
owing |
owler |
owlet |
owned |
owner |
owsen |
owser |
oxane |
oxboy |
oxbow |
oxeye |
oxfly |
oxide |
oxids |
oxime |
oxims |
oxlip |
oxman |
oxter |
ozark |
ozena |
ozias |
ozone |
Next time you're stuck with a rack full of letters, think back to this list. You might just find the perfect Five words starting with o to clinch your victory!
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