Are you looking to up your Scrabble or Wordle, Words with Friends, or Wordfeud game? Mastering 5 letter words starting with L can give you a competitive edge. Here are some gems to remember: |
laang |
laban |
labba |
labby |
label |
labia |
labis |
labor |
labra |
lacca |
laced |
lacey |
lacer |
laces |
lacet |
lache |
lacis |
lacks |
lacto |
laded |
laden |
lader |
lades |
ladik |
ladin |
ladle |
laeti |
laevo |
lagan |
lagen |
lager |
lagly |
lagna |
lahar |
laich |
laics |
layed |
layer |
laigh |
layia |
laine |
layne |
laird |
lairy |
lairs |
laith |
laity |
layup |
laius |
laked |
lakey |
laker |
lakes |
lakhs |
lakie |
lakin |
lakke |
laksa |
lally |
lalls |
lamas |
lamba |
lamby |
lambs |
lamda |
lamed |
lamel |
lamer |
lames |
lamia |
lamin |
lammy |
lamna |
lampf |
lamps |
lamus |
lamut |
lanai |
lanao |
lanas |
lanaz |
lance |
lanch |
lande |
lands |
laney |
lanes |
langi |
lango |
lanky |
lanny |
lansa |
lanum |
lapel |
lapin |
lapis |
lapon |
lappa |
lapps |
lapse |
lapsi |
larch |
lardy |
lards |
lares |
large |
largy |
largo |
laria |
larid |
larin |
larix |
larky |
larks |
laron |
larry |
larum |
larus |
larva |
larve |
lased |
laser |
lases |
lasso |
lassu |
lasty |
lasts |
latah |
latax |
latch |
lated |
laten |
later |
latex |
lathe |
lathi |
lathy |
laths |
latin |
latke |
laton |
latro |
latus |
lauan |
laude |
lauds |
laugh |
lauia |
laund |
laura |
laure |
laury |
lautu |
lavas |
laved |
laver |
laves |
lavic |
lawed |
lawks |
lawny |
lawns |
lawzy |
laxer |
laxly |
lazar |
lazed |
lazes |
leach |
leady |
leads |
leafy |
leafs |
leaky |
leaks |
leany |
leans |
leant |
leaps |
leapt |
leary |
learn |
lears |
lease |
leash |
least |
leath |
leave |
leavy |
leban |
leben |
lebes |
leche |
leden |
ledge |
ledgy |
ledol |
ledum |
leech |
leeds |
leeky |
leeks |
leery |
leers |
leese |
leets |
lefty |
lefts |
legal |
leger |
leges |
legge |
leggy |
legis |
legit |
legoa |
legua |
lehay |
lehrs |
lehua |
leigh |
leila |
leiss |
leith |
lekha |
lelia |
leman |
lemel |
lemma |
lemna |
lemon |
lemur |
lenad |
lenca |
lench |
lends |
lendu |
lenes |
lenin |
lenis |
lenny |
lenos |
lense |
lenth |
lento |
leone |
leora |
lepal |
lepas |
leper |
lepid |
leppy |
lepra |
lepre |
lepry |
lepta |
lepus |
lerot |
lerwa |
lesed |
lesgh |
lesya |
lesiy |
lessn |
leste |
letch |
lethe |
lethy |
letty |
letup |
leuch |
leuco |
leuds |
leuma |
leung |
levee |
level |
leven |
lever |
levet |
levin |
levir |
levis |
lewie |
lewis |
lewth |
lewty |
lexia |
lexic |
lexis |
lhota |
liana |
liane |
liang |
liard |
lyard |
liars |
lyart |
lyase |
libby |
libel |
liber |
libya |
libra |
libre |
libri |
licca |
lycea |
lycee |
licet |
lichi |
licht |
lycid |
licit |
licks |
lycus |
lidar |
lidia |
lydia |
lidos |
liege |
liens |
lyery |
liers |
liesh |
liest |
lieue |
lieus |
lieut |
lieve |
lifey |
lifen |
lifer |
lifts |
ligan |
ligas |
liger |
ligge |
light |
ligne |
lygus |
lying |
liked |
liken |
lyken |
liker |
likes |
likin |
lilac |
lilas |
liles |
lilly |
lilts |
liman |
limas |
limax |
limba |
limbi |
limby |
limbo |
limbs |
limbu |
limed |
limey |
limen |
limer |
limes |
limit |
limli |
limma |
limmu |
limns |
limos |
lymph |
limpy |
limps |
limsy |
linac |
linch |
lynch |
linda |
lindy |
lindo |
linea |
lined |
liney |
linen |
liner |
lines |
linet |
linga |
linge |
lingy |
lingo |
lings |
linha |
linie |
linin |
linja |
linje |
linky |
links |
linne |
lynne |
linns |
linon |
linos |
linty |
lints |
linum |
linus |
lions |
lipan |
lipic |
lipid |
lipin |
lippy |
lipse |
liras |
lyres |
lyric |
lyrid |
lirot |
lysed |
lyses |
lysin |
lysis |
lisle |
lysol |
lisps |
lyssa |
listy |
lists |
liszt |
litai |
litas |
litch |
liter |
lites |
lithe |
lythe |
lithi |
lithy |
litho |
lytic |
litra |
litre |
lytta |
litui |
litus |
lived |
liven |
liver |
lives |
livid |
livor |
livre |
liwan |
llama |
llano |
lloyd |
lludd |
loach |
loads |
loafs |
loamy |
loams |
loans |
loasa |
loath |
loave |
lobal |
lobar |
lobby |
lobed |
lobes |
lobos |
lobus |
local |
loche |
lochi |
lochy |
lochs |
locky |
locks |
locos |
locum |
locus |
loden |
lodes |
lodge |
lodha |
lodur |
loeil |
loess |
lofty |
lofts |
logan |
loges |
loggy |
logia |
logic |
logie |
login |
logis |
logoi |
logos |
lohan |
lohar |
loyal |
loins |
lokao |
loket |
lolly |
lolls |
lomta |
loner |
longa |
longe |
longs |
looby |
looch |
looed |
looey |
loofa |
loofs |
looie |
looky |
looks |
looms |
loony |
loons |
loope |
loopy |
loops |
loord |
loory |
loose |
loots |
loped |
loper |
lopes |
loppy |
loral |
loran |
lordy |
lords |
lored |
lorel |
loren |
lores |
loric |
loris |
loros |
lorry |
lorum |
losel |
loser |
loses |
lossy |
lotah |
lotan |
lotas |
lotic |
lotor |
lotos |
lotta |
lotte |
lotto |
lotus |
louch |
louey |
lough |
louie |
louis |
loulu |
loupe |
loups |
lourd |
loury |
lours |
louse |
lousy |
louty |
louts |
lovat |
loved |
lovee |
lovey |
lover |
loves |
lowan |
lowed |
lower |
lowes |
lowly |
lowry |
lowse |
lowth |
loxed |
loxes |
loxia |
loxic |
lrecl |
luaus |
lubes |
lubra |
lucan |
luces |
lucet |
lucia |
lucid |
lucky |
lucks |
lucre |
luddy |
luffa |
luffs |
luger |
luges |
luian |
luigi |
luite |
lukan |
lukas |
luket |
lulab |
lulav |
lully |
lulls |
lulus |
lumen |
lumme |
lummy |
lumpy |
lumps |
lumut |
lunar |
lunas |
lunch |
lunda |
lunel |
lunes |
lunet |
lunge |
lungi |
lungy |
lungs |
lunka |
lunks |
lunts |
lupid |
lupin |
lupis |
lupus |
lural |
lurch |
lured |
lurer |
lures |
lurid |
lurky |
lurks |
lurry |
luser |
lushy |
lusky |
lusty |
lusts |
lusus |
lutao |
lutea |
luted |
luteo |
luter |
lutes |
lutra |
luxes |
luxus |
Next time you're stuck with a rack full of letters, think back to this list. You might just find the perfect Five words starting with L to clinch your victory!
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