Ever get stuck looking for 7 letter words starting with L? You're not alone!
Whether you're playing Scrabble, solving Wordle, or just love word games, these words can be super helpful.Below are all the seven letter word that start with L that we use pretty often.
Here are some common ones you might know:
laagers |
labaara |
labaria |
labarum |
labeled |
labeler |
labella |
labials |
labiate |
labibia |
labiose |
labored |
laborer |
labores |
labours |
labredt |
labrets |
labroid |
labrose |
labrums |
lacatan |
laccaic |
laccase |
laceier |
laceman |
lacemen |
lacepod |
lacerna |
lacerta |
laciest |
lacings |
lacinia |
lackeys |
lackers |
lackies |
lacking |
lackwit |
lacmoid |
laconic |
lacquey |
lacquer |
lactams |
lactant |
lactary |
lactase |
lactate |
lacteal |
lactean |
lactide |
lactify |
lactoid |
lactone |
lactose |
lactuca |
lacunae |
lacunal |
lacunar |
lacunas |
lacunes |
lacwork |
ladakhi |
ladakin |
ladanum |
laddery |
ladders |
laddess |
laddies |
laddish |
laddock |
lademan |
ladened |
ladhood |
ladybug |
ladydom |
ladyfly |
ladyish |
ladyism |
ladykin |
ladings |
ladinos |
ladlers |
ladling |
ladrone |
ladrons |
laender |
laertes |
lagarto |
lagenae |
lagends |
lagered |
lagetta |
lagetto |
laggard |
laggers |
lagging |
laggins |
laglast |
lagoons |
lagopus |
lagting |
lagunas |
lagunes |
lagurus |
lagwort |
layaway |
laibach |
layback |
laicise |
laicism |
laicity |
laicize |
laydown |
layered |
layette |
layfolk |
layland |
laylock |
lainage |
layoffs |
layouts |
layover |
lairage |
lairdie |
lairdly |
lairing |
lairman |
lairmen |
layrock |
layship |
laissez |
laystow |
laithly |
laities |
lakatan |
lakatoi |
lakelet |
lakiest |
lakings |
lakshmi |
lalaqui |
lalland |
lallans |
lalling |
lamaism |
lamaist |
lamaite |
lamback |
lambadi |
lambale |
lambast |
lambdas |
lambeau |
lambent |
lambers |
lambert |
lambies |
lambing |
lambish |
lambkin |
lamblia |
lamboys |
lamedhs |
lamella |
laments |
lameter |
lametta |
lamiger |
laminae |
laminal |
laminar |
laminas |
lamista |
lamiter |
lamming |
lammock |
lamnoid |
lampads |
lampara |
lampate |
lampern |
lampers |
lampfly |
lampful |
lamping |
lampion |
lampist |
lamplet |
lamplit |
lampman |
lampmen |
lampong |
lampoon |
lamprey |
lamprel |
lampret |
lampron |
lamster |
lanated |
lancely |
lancers |
lancets |
lancing |
landage |
landaus |
landers |
landing |
landler |
landman |
landmen |
landmil |
landsat |
landway |
laneway |
langaha |
langate |
langeel |
langiel |
langite |
langley |
langoon |
langrel |
langret |
langsat |
langset |
langued |
langues |
languet |
languid |
languor |
langurs |
laniard |
lanyard |
laniary |
laniate |
lanific |
lanioid |
lanista |
lanital |
lankest |
lankier |
lankily |
lankish |
lanners |
lanolin |
lansing |
lantaca |
lantaka |
lantana |
lantcha |
lantern |
lanugos |
laocoon |
laotian |
lapacho |
lapcock |
lapdogs |
lapeler |
lapfuls |
lapides |
lapilli |
lapillo |
lapises |
lapland |
lapling |
lappage |
lappers |
lappets |
lapping |
lappish |
lappula |
lapsana |
lapsers |
lapsful |
lapsing |
laputan |
lapwing |
lapwork |
laquais |
laquear |
laqueus |
laralia |
laramie |
lararia |
larceny |
larchen |
larcher |
larches |
larders |
lardier |
larding |
lardite |
lardons |
lardoon |
largely |
largess |
largest |
largish |
lariats |
laridae |
larigot |
larikin |
larinae |
larixin |
larkers |
larkier |
larking |
larkish |
larlike |
larmier |
larries |
larrups |
larunda |
larvate |
larvule |
lasagna |
lasagne |
lascars |
lashers |
lashing |
lashins |
lashkar |
lashorn |
lasking |
lassies |
lassiky |
lassock |
lassoed |
lassoer |
lassoes |
lastage |
lasters |
lasting |
lastjob |
latakia |
latania |
latched |
latcher |
latches |
latchet |
latebra |
lateens |
latence |
latency |
latened |
latents |
laterad |
lateral |
lateran |
latests |
latexes |
lathery |
lathers |
lathier |
lathing |
latices |
latigos |
latimer |
latiner |
latinic |
latinos |
latinus |
latirus |
latitat |
latomia |
latooka |
latosol |
latrant |
latrate |
latrede |
latrial |
latrian |
latrias |
latrine |
latrobe |
lattens |
lattice |
lattins |
latvian |
lauders |
laudian |
lauding |
laudism |
laudist |
laughed |
laughee |
laugher |
lauhala |
launces |
launder |
laundry |
laurate |
laureal |
laurels |
laurent |
laurite |
lauroyl |
laurone |
lautite |
lauwine |
lavable |
lavabos |
lavacre |
lavages |
lavanga |
lavaret |
lavatic |
laveche |
laveers |
laveroc |
lavette |
lavinia |
lavolta |
lavrock |
lawbook |
laweour |
lawgive |
lawyery |
lawyers |
lawines |
lawings |
lawless |
lawlike |
lawmake |
lawnlet |
lawsone |
lawsuit |
laxator |
laxness |
lazaret |
lazarly |
lazarus |
lazybed |
laziest |
lazying |
lazyish |
lazulis |
leached |
leacher |
leaches |
leadage |
leaders |
leadeth |
leadier |
leading |
leadman |
leadoff |
leadout |
leadway |
leafage |
leafboy |
leafcup |
leafdom |
leafery |
leafier |
leafing |
leaflet |
leagued |
leaguer |
leagues |
leakage |
leakers |
leakier |
leakily |
leaking |
lealand |
leander |
leanest |
leangle |
leaning |
leanish |
leapers |
leapful |
leaping |
learier |
learned |
learner |
learoyd |
leasers |
leashed |
leashes |
leasing |
leather |
leatman |
leatmen |
leavens |
leavers |
leavier |
leaving |
leawill |
lebanon |
lebhaft |
lechery |
lechers |
lechosa |
lecidea |
lecythi |
lectern |
lectica |
lection |
lectors |
lectual |
lecture |
lecturn |
ledgers |
ledgier |
ledging |
ledidae |
leeched |
leecher |
leeches |
leefang |
leekish |
leelane |
leelang |
leerier |
leerily |
leering |
leerish |
leersia |
leeshyy |
leesing |
leesome |
leetman |
leetmen |
leeways |
leeward |
leewill |
leftest |
lefties |
leftish |
leftism |
leftist |
legally |
legated |
legatee |
legates |
legator |
legatos |
legatus |
legenda |
legends |
leggier |
legging |
leggins |
leghorn |
legible |
legibly |
legifer |
legific |
legions |
legists |
legitim |
legless |
leglike |
legpull |
legrete |
legroom |
legrope |
legumen |
legumes |
legumin |
legwork |
lehayim |
lehrman |
lehrmen |
leifite |
leyland |
leipzig |
leysing |
leisten |
leister |
leisure |
lekanai |
lekythi |
lemanea |
lemanry |
lemmata |
lemming |
lemnian |
lemogra |
lempira |
lemures |
lemuria |
lemurid |
lenaean |
lenaeum |
lenaeus |
lenders |
lending |
lengest |
lengthy |
lengths |
leniate |
lenient |
lenitic |
lensman |
lensmen |
lentigo |
lentile |
lentils |
lentisc |
lentisk |
lentner |
lentoid |
lentous |
leonard |
leonato |
leonese |
leonine |
leonist |
leonite |
leonora |
leopard |
leopold |
leotard |
lepadid |
lepanto |
lepered |
lepidin |
lepidly |
lepiota |
lepisma |
lepomis |
leporid |
leporis |
leprine |
leproid |
leproma |
leprose |
leprosy |
leprous |
leptene |
leptera |
leptite |
leptome |
leptons |
lequear |
lernaea |
lesbian |
lesions |
lesleya |
lessees |
lessens |
lessest |
lessive |
lessons |
lessors |
lestrad |
letches |
letdown |
letgame |
lethals |
lethean |
lethied |
letitia |
letrist |
lettern |
letters |
lettice |
lettiga |
letting |
lettish |
lettrin |
lettuce |
letuare |
leucine |
leucins |
leucism |
leucite |
leucoid |
leucoma |
leucous |
leukoma |
leukons |
levance |
levancy |
levanto |
levants |
levator |
leveche |
leveful |
leveled |
leveler |
levelly |
levered |
leverer |
leveret |
levesel |
leviers |
levying |
levyist |
leviner |
leviter |
levulic |
levulin |
lewanna |
lewdest |
lewises |
lewisia |
lewnite |
lexemic |
lexical |
lexicog |
lexicon |
lhiamba |
liaised |
liaises |
liaison |
liangle |
lianoid |
liasing |
liassic |
liatris |
libated |
libbard |
libbers |
libbing |
libeled |
libelee |
libeler |
liberal |
liberia |
liberty |
liberum |
libyans |
libidos |
libinit |
libitum |
library |
librate |
lycaena |
licania |
licence |
license |
lyceums |
lichees |
lychees |
licheny |
lichens |
lychnic |
lychnis |
lichted |
lichtly |
lycidae |
licitly |
lickers |
lickety |
licking |
lycodes |
lycopin |
lycopod |
lycopus |
licorne |
lycosid |
lictors |
licuala |
lidding |
lyddite |
lidgate |
lidless |
liefest |
liegely |
liegier |
liernes |
lievest |
lifeday |
lifeful |
lifelet |
lifeway |
liftboy |
lifters |
lifting |
liftman |
liftmen |
liftoff |
ligable |
lygaeid |
ligands |
ligases |
ligated |
ligates |
ligator |
lighted |
lighten |
lighter |
lightly |
lignify |
lignins |
lignite |
lignone |
lignose |
lignous |
lignums |
ligroin |
ligulae |
ligular |
ligulas |
ligules |
ligulin |
ligures |
lyingly |
likable |
likeful |
likened |
likings |
lilacin |
lilacky |
lilting |
limacea |
limacel |
limacon |
limbate |
limbeck |
limbers |
limbier |
limbing |
limbous |
limeade |
limeman |
limetta |
limidae |
limiest |
liminal |
limital |
limited |
limiter |
limites |
limitor |
limmata |
limmers |
limmock |
lymnaea |
limnery |
limners |
limniad |
limning |
limnite |
limonin |
limpers |
limpest |
limpets |
lymphad |
limpily |
limping |
limpish |
limpkin |
limpsey |
limulid |
limulus |
linable |
linages |
linalyl |
linaloa |
linaloe |
linalol |
linaria |
lyncean |
lynceus |
lynched |
lyncher |
lynches |
linchet |
lynchet |
lyncine |
lincoln |
linctus |
lindane |
lindens |
lindera |
lindied |
lindies |
lindsay |
lindsey |
lineage |
lineary |
lineate |
linecut |
linelet |
lineman |
linemen |
linener |
lynette |
lineups |
lingala |
lingams |
lingcod |
lingers |
lingier |
lingism |
lingoes |
lingoum |
lingtow |
linguae |
lingual |
linguet |
lingula |
liniest |
linings |
linitis |
linkage |
linkboy |
linkers |
linkier |
linking |
linkman |
linkmen |
linkups |
linnaea |
linneon |
linnets |
linocut |
linolic |
linolin |
linoxin |
linoxyn |
linsang |
linseed |
linseys |
lintels |
lintern |
linters |
lintier |
lintols |
linwood |
lyomeri |
lionced |
lioncel |
lyonese |
lioness |
lionise |
lionism |
lionize |
lyophil |
lyopoma |
liparid |
liparis |
lipases |
lipemia |
lipemic |
lipides |
lipidic |
lipless |
liplike |
lipoids |
lipomas |
lipopod |
liposis |
lippens |
lippers |
lippier |
lipping |
lipread |
lipuria |
lipwork |
liquate |
liquefy |
liqueur |
liquidy |
liquids |
liquify |
liquory |
liquors |
lyrated |
lyraway |
lirella |
lyreman |
lyrical |
lyrisms |
lyrists |
lyrurus |
lysates |
lisette |
lysidin |
lisiere |
lysines |
lysogen |
lispers |
lisping |
lispund |
lissome |
listels |
listens |
listera |
listers |
listful |
listing |
listred |
litarge |
litchis |
literal |
lithate |
lithely |
lithest |
lithias |
lithify |
lithite |
lithium |
lithoed |
lithoid |
lithous |
lythrum |
litiopa |
litoral |
litotes |
litster |
littery |
litters |
littler |
littles |
littlin |
lituate |
lituite |
lituola |
liturgy |
livable |
livably |
liveyer |
livened |
livener |
livered |
livetin |
lividly |
liviers |
livyers |
livings |
lixivia |
lizards |
llanero |
llareta |
loaches |
loadage |
loaders |
loading |
loafers |
loafing |
loaflet |
loamier |
loamily |
loaming |
loaners |
loaning |
loathed |
loather |
loathes |
loathly |
loatuko |
lobaria |
lobatae |
lobated |
lobbers |
lobbied |
lobbyer |
lobbies |
lobbing |
lobbish |
lobcock |
lobcokt |
lobefin |
lobelet |
lobelia |
lobelin |
lobiped |
lobolos |
lobster |
lobtail |
lobular |
lobules |
lobulus |
lobworm |
locable |
localed |
locales |
locally |
locanda |
locarno |
located |
locater |
locates |
locatio |
locator |
locatum |
lochage |
lochial |
lochlin |
lockage |
lockbox |
lockers |
lockets |
lockful |
lockian |
lockyer |
locking |
lockjaw |
locklet |
lockman |
locknut |
lockout |
lockpin |
lockram |
lockrum |
lockups |
locoing |
locoism |
locoman |
locrian |
locrine |
locular |
loculed |
locules |
loculus |
locusca |
locusta |
locusts |
locutor |
lodeman |
lodgers |
lodging |
lodowic |
loegria |
loessal |
loesses |
loessic |
lofters |
loftier |
loftily |
lofting |
loftman |
loftmen |
logania |
loganin |
logbook |
logchip |
logcock |
logeion |
loggats |
loggers |
loggets |
loggias |
loggier |
logging |
loggish |
loghead |
logical |
logiest |
logions |
logjams |
loglike |
logroll |
logship |
logways |
logwise |
logwood |
logwork |
loyaler |
loyally |
loyalty |
loiasis |
loiters |
lokaose |
lokshen |
lollard |
lollers |
lollies |
lolling |
lollopy |
lollops |
lombard |
lomenta |
loments |
lommock |
londony |
londres |
loneful |
longans |
longbow |
longear |
longers |
longest |
longeve |
longfin |
longful |
longies |
longing |
longish |
longjaw |
longleg |
longpod |
longrun |
longues |
longway |
loobies |
loobily |
loofahs |
lookers |
looking |
lookout |
lookups |
loomery |
looming |
loonery |
loonier |
loonies |
loopers |
loopful |
loopier |
looping |
loopist |
looplet |
loosely |
loosens |
loosest |
loosing |
loosish |
looters |
looting |
lopeman |
lopezia |
lophiid |
lophine |
lophura |
loppard |
loppers |
loppier |
lopping |
lopseed |
loquats |
loquent |
lorarii |
lording |
lordkin |
lordlet |
lordoma |
lorelei |
lorenzo |
loretin |
lorgnon |
loricae |
lorilet |
lorimer |
loriner |
lorises |
lormery |
lorries |
losable |
loselry |
losings |
lossful |
lossier |
lotions |
lotment |
lotoses |
lotrite |
lottery |
lotting |
lotuses |
lotusin |
loudens |
loudest |
loudish |
loukoum |
lounder |
lounged |
lounger |
lounges |
louping |
louring |
lousier |
lousily |
lousing |
louster |
louther |
louting |
loutish |
louvers |
louvred |
louvres |
lovable |
lovably |
lovages |
loveday |
loveful |
loveman |
lovepot |
lovered |
loverly |
loviers |
lowable |
lowance |
lowball |
lowbell |
lowboys |
lowborn |
lowbred |
lowbrow |
lowdown |
loweite |
lowered |
lowerer |
lowings |
lowland |
lowlier |
lowlife |
lowlily |
lowmost |
lowness |
lowsest |
lowsing |
lowwood |
loxodon |
loxomma |
loxotic |
lozenge |
lozengy |
lubbard |
lubbers |
lubrify |
lucayan |
lucania |
lucanid |
lucanus |
lucarne |
lucence |
lucency |
luceres |
lucerne |
lucerns |
luchuan |
luciana |
lucible |
lucidae |
lucidly |
lucifee |
lucifer |
lucific |
lucigen |
lucilia |
lucille |
lucinda |
lucivee |
luckful |
luckier |
luckies |
luckily |
lucking |
lucknow |
lucombe |
lucrece |
lucrify |
lucrine |
lucrous |
luctual |
lucumia |
luddism |
luddite |
ludgate |
ludibry |
luetics |
lufbery |
luffing |
luganda |
luggage |
luggard |
luggers |
luggies |
lugging |
lugmark |
lugsail |
lugsome |
lugworm |
luhinga |
luigini |
luigino |
luiseno |
lukemia |
lulabim |
lulavim |
lullaby |
lullian |
lulling |
lumbago |
lumbang |
lumbars |
lumbers |
lumenal |
lumeter |
luminal |
lumined |
lumpens |
lumpers |
lumpier |
lumpily |
lumping |
lumpish |
lumpkin |
lumpman |
lumpmen |
lunaria |
lunated |
lunatic |
lunatum |
lunched |
luncher |
lunches |
lunette |
lungans |
lungees |
lungers |
lungful |
lungyis |
lunging |
lungoor |
luniest |
lunkers |
lunting |
lunulae |
lunular |
lunules |
lunulet |
lupanar |
lupanin |
lupeose |
luperci |
lupines |
lupinin |
lupinus |
lupulic |
lupulin |
lupulus |
lupuses |
luracan |
lurched |
lurcher |
lurches |
lurdane |
lurdans |
lureful |
luridly |
lurkers |
lurking |
lurrier |
lurries |
lushest |
lushier |
lushing |
lusters |
lustful |
lustick |
lustier |
lustily |
lusting |
lustral |
lustred |
lustres |
lustrum |
lususes |
lutecia |
luteins |
lutelet |
luteoma |
luteous |
lutetia |
luteway |
lutfisk |
luthern |
luthier |
lutidin |
lutings |
lutists |
lutrine |
luxated |
luxates |
luxuria |
lvalues |
The cool thing about 7 letter word beginning with L is that once you start noticing them, you'll see them everywhere! Plus, in games like Scrabble, these seven-letter words can score you big bonus points.
Ready to learn more? Let's dive into how you can use these words to become a word game champion!