Looking for 6 letter words that start with H? Whether you're playing Wordle, solving crosswords, or enjoying Scrabble, here's a helpful guide to boost your word game skills.
6-Letter Words Start with "H" You Should Know
Here’s a list of six-letter words starting with ‘H’ to enhance your vocabulary.
habble |
habbub |
habeas |
habena |
habere |
habile |
habiri |
habiru |
habits |
habnab |
haboob |
haboub |
habuka |
haceks |
hachis |
hacked |
hackee |
hacker |
hackia |
hackie |
hackin |
hackle |
hackly |
hadada |
hadbot |
hadden |
hadder |
haddie |
haddin |
hadean |
hading |
hadith |
hadjee |
hadjes |
hadjis |
hadrom |
hadron |
haeing |
haemad |
haemal |
haemic |
haemin |
haeres |
haffat |
haffet |
haffit |
haffle |
hafgan |
haflin |
hafnia |
hafnyl |
hafted |
hafter |
hagada |
hagbut |
hagden |
hagdin |
hagdon |
hageen |
hagein |
haggai |
hagged |
hagger |
haggis |
haggle |
haggly |
haglet |
haglin |
hagrid |
haiari |
haybox |
haycap |
haidan |
haidee |
haiduk |
hayers |
haying |
haikai |
haikal |
haikun |
hailed |
hailer |
hailes |
hailse |
haymow |
hainai |
hainan |
hainch |
hained |
hairdo |
haired |
hairen |
hairif |
hairof |
hairse |
hairst |
hairup |
haysel |
haisla |
haiver |
hajjes |
hajjis |
hakdar |
hakeem |
hakims |
halaka |
halala |
halawi |
halebi |
halely |
halers |
haleru |
halerz |
halest |
halfen |
halfer |
halfly |
halide |
halids |
haling |
halite |
hallah |
hallan |
hallel |
hallex |
halloa |
halloo |
hallos |
hallot |
hallow |
hallux |
haloed |
haloes |
haloid |
halper |
halsen |
halser |
halted |
halter |
halutz |
halvah |
halvas |
halved |
halver |
halves |
hamada |
hamald |
hamals |
hamata |
hamate |
hamaul |
hamber |
hamble |
hambro |
hameil |
hamelt |
hametz |
hamfat |
hamilt |
hamite |
hamlah |
hamlet |
hammal |
hammam |
hammed |
hammer |
hamose |
hamous |
hamper |
hamule |
hamuli |
hamzah |
hamzas |
hanafi |
hanced |
hances |
handed |
handel |
hander |
handle |
hangar |
hangby |
hanged |
hangee |
hanger |
hangie |
hangle |
hangul |
hangup |
hanked |
hanker |
hankie |
hankle |
hankul |
hansel |
hanses |
hansom |
hanted |
hantle |
haoles |
haoris |
hapale |
happed |
happen |
happer |
hapten |
haptic |
haptor |
hapuku |
harace |
haraya |
harang |
harari |
harass |
harast |
harbor |
harden |
harder |
hardie |
hardim |
hardly |
hareem |
hareld |
harems |
harico |
harier |
haring |
harish |
harked |
harkee |
harken |
harled |
harlem |
harlot |
harmal |
harman |
harmed |
harmel |
harmer |
harmin |
harmon |
harold |
harped |
harper |
harpin |
harrid |
harris |
harrow |
hartal |
harten |
hartin |
hartly |
harvey |
hasard |
hashab |
hashed |
hasher |
hashes |
haslet |
hasped |
hassar |
hassel |
hassle |
hasted |
hasten |
haster |
hastes |
hastif |
hatbox |
haters |
hatful |
hathor |
hating |
hatpin |
hatred |
hatted |
hatter |
hattic |
hattie |
haughs |
haught |
hauyne |
hauled |
hauler |
haulmy |
haulms |
haulse |
haunce |
haunch |
haunty |
haunts |
haupia |
hausen |
hausse |
havage |
havana |
havens |
havent |
havers |
havier |
having |
havior |
havocs |
hawaii |
hawiya |
hawing |
hawked |
hawkey |
hawker |
hawkie |
hawsed |
hawser |
hawses |
hazans |
hazara |
hazard |
hazels |
hazers |
hazier |
hazily |
hazing |
hazzan |
headed |
header |
headle |
headly |
healed |
healer |
health |
heaped |
heaper |
hearer |
hearse |
hearst |
hearth |
hearty |
hearts |
heated |
heaten |
heater |
heathy |
heaths |
heaume |
heaved |
heaven |
heaver |
heaves |
hebete |
hebrew |
hecate |
heckle |
hectar |
hectic |
hector |
hecuba |
heddle |
hedebo |
hedera |
heders |
hedged |
hedger |
hedges |
heeded |
heeder |
heehaw |
heeled |
heeler |
heezed |
heezes |
heezie |
hefted |
hefter |
hegari |
hegira |
heyday |
heydey |
heifer |
height |
heikum |
heiled |
heimin |
heinie |
heynne |
heypen |
heyrat |
heired |
heirlo |
heists |
heized |
hejazi |
hejira |
helbeh |
helder |
helena |
helenn |
heliac |
helide |
heling |
helion |
helios |
helium |
helled |
hellen |
heller |
hellim |
hellos |
helluo |
helmed |
helmet |
heloma |
helots |
helped |
helper |
helply |
helved |
helver |
helves |
helvin |
helzel |
hemase |
hemera |
hemina |
hemine |
hemins |
hemmed |
hemmel |
hemmer |
hemoid |
hempen |
hempie |
hemule |
henbit |
hendly |
henism |
hennas |
hennes |
hennin |
henpen |
henrys |
hented |
henter |
hepcat |
heppen |
hepper |
heptad |
heptal |
heptyl |
herald |
heraud |
heraus |
herbal |
herbar |
herber |
herbid |
herded |
herder |
herdic |
hereat |
hereby |
herein |
hereof |
hereon |
herero |
heresy |
hereto |
herile |
heriot |
hermae |
hermai |
herman |
hermes |
hermit |
hernia |
heroes |
heroic |
heroid |
heroin |
herola |
herons |
herpes |
herpet |
hersed |
hersir |
heruli |
hesped |
hespel |
hesper |
hester |
hestia |
hetero |
hethen |
hetman |
hetter |
hettie |
heuchs |
heughs |
heuvel |
hewers |
hewgag |
hewing |
hexace |
hexact |
hexadd |
hexade |
hexads |
hexane |
hexdra |
hexene |
hexers |
hexyls |
hexine |
hexyne |
hexing |
hexode |
hexoic |
hexone |
hexose |
hexsub |
hezron |
hyades |
hyaena |
hyahya |
hyalin |
hyalts |
hiatal |
hiatus |
hibbin |
hibito |
hyblan |
hybrid |
hybris |
hicaco |
hiccup |
hickey |
hicket |
hidage |
hydage |
hidden |
hiders |
hiding |
hydnum |
hydrae |
hydras |
hydria |
hydric |
hydrid |
hydroa |
hydrol |
hydros |
hydrus |
hieder |
hieing |
hiemal |
hyemal |
hyenas |
hyenia |
hyenic |
hieron |
hieros |
hyetal |
higdon |
hygeen |
hygeia |
higgle |
higher |
highly |
highth |
hights |
hygric |
hygrin |
hijack |
hikers |
hiking |
hikuli |
hilary |
hylean |
hylids |
hylism |
hylist |
hilled |
hillel |
hiller |
hillet |
hilloa |
hillos |
hyllus |
hyloid |
hilsah |
hilted |
himati |
himene |
hymens |
hymnal |
hymned |
hymner |
hymnic |
himple |
hinder |
hynder |
hindoo |
hindus |
hinged |
hinger |
hinges |
hingle |
hinney |
hinner |
hinoid |
hinoki |
hinted |
hinter |
hiodon |
hyoids |
hypate |
hyphae |
hyphal |
hyphen |
hyping |
hypnic |
hypnos |
hypnum |
hypoed |
hypoid |
hypoth |
hipped |
hypped |
hippen |
hipper |
hippia |
hippic |
hippie |
hipple |
hippos |
hippus |
hyrate |
hyrcan |
hircic |
hircin |
hircus |
hirers |
hiring |
hirmos |
hirple |
hirsel |
hirsle |
hirtch |
hirudo |
hysons |
hispid |
hissed |
hissel |
hisser |
hisses |
hyssop |
histed |
hister |
histie |
histon |
hitchy |
hither |
hitler |
hitter |
hiving |
hivite |
hyzone |
hizzie |
hoagie |
hoards |
hoared |
hoarse |
hoaxed |
hoaxee |
hoaxer |
hoaxes |
hoazin |
hobbed |
hobber |
hobbet |
hobbil |
hobbit |
hobble |
hobbly |
hobits |
hoblob |
hobnob |
hoboed |
hoboes |
hocked |
hockey |
hocker |
hocket |
hockle |
hodads |
hodden |
hodder |
hoddin |
hoddle |
hodful |
hodman |
hodmen |
hodure |
hoeful |
hoeing |
hogans |
hogged |
hoggee |
hogger |
hogget |
hoggie |
hoggin |
hognut |
hogpen |
hogsty |
hogtie |
hogton |
hoicks |
hoiden |
hoyden |
hoyles |
hoyman |
hoised |
hoises |
hoists |
hokier |
hoking |
hokums |
holard |
holcad |
holcus |
holden |
holder |
holdup |
holier |
holies |
holily |
holing |
holism |
holist |
holked |
hollas |
holler |
hollin |
holloa |
holloo |
hollos |
hollow |
holmes |
holmia |
holmic |
holmos |
holoku |
holour |
holpen |
holsom |
homage |
homard |
hombre |
homely |
homers |
homier |
homily |
homing |
hominy |
homish |
homrai |
honans |
honcho |
hondas |
honeys |
honers |
honest |
honied |
honily |
honing |
honked |
honkey |
honker |
honkie |
honora |
honors |
honour |
hooded |
hoodie |
hoodle |
hoodoo |
hooeys |
hoofed |
hoofer |
hookah |
hookas |
hooked |
hookey |
hooker |
hookum |
hookup |
hoolee |
hooley |
hoolie |
hoondi |
hooped |
hooper |
hoopla |
hoople |
hoopoe |
hoopoo |
hoorah |
hooray |
hooroo |
hootay |
hootch |
hooted |
hooter |
hooved |
hoovey |
hooven |
hoover |
hooves |
hopers |
hoping |
hopoff |
hopped |
hopper |
hoppet |
hopple |
horace |
horahs |
horary |
horded |
hordes |
horkey |
hormic |
hormos |
horned |
horner |
hornet |
hornie |
horrah |
horray |
horral |
horrid |
horror |
horsed |
horsey |
horser |
horses |
horste |
horsts |
hosels |
hosier |
hosing |
hostal |
hosted |
hostel |
hoster |
hostie |
hostle |
hostly |
hostry |
hotbed |
hotbox |
hotcha |
hotdog |
hotels |
hotkey |
hotpot |
hotrod |
hotted |
hotter |
hottie |
hottle |
houdah |
houdan |
houlet |
hounce |
houndy |
hounds |
houris |
hourly |
housal |
housed |
housel |
houser |
houses |
housty |
houtou |
hovels |
hovers |
howard |
howdah |
howder |
howdie |
howffs |
howish |
howitz |
howked |
howker |
howkit |
howled |
howler |
howlet |
hpital |
hrdwre |
huashi |
hubbed |
hubber |
hubble |
hubbly |
hubbob |
hubbub |
hubcap |
hubert |
hubris |
hubshi |
huchen |
huckle |
huddle |
huddup |
hudson |
hueful |
huemul |
huerta |
huffed |
huffer |
huffle |
hugely |
hugest |
hugged |
hugger |
huggin |
huggle |
hughes |
hughoc |
huipil |
huitre |
hulchy |
huldah |
huldee |
hulked |
hulled |
huller |
hulloa |
hulloo |
hullos |
hulver |
humane |
humans |
humate |
humble |
humbly |
humbug |
humean |
humect |
humeri |
humhum |
humify |
humism |
humist |
humite |
humlie |
hummed |
hummel |
hummer |
hummie |
hummum |
hummus |
humors |
humour |
humous |
humped |
humphs |
humpty |
hunchy |
hunder |
hungar |
hunger |
hungry |
hunyak |
hunker |
hunner |
hunnic |
hunted |
hunter |
huppah |
huppot |
hurden |
hurdis |
hurdle |
hureek |
hurkle |
hurled |
hurley |
hurler |
hurrah |
hurray |
hurrer |
hurroo |
hurted |
hurter |
hurtle |
hushed |
hushel |
husher |
hushes |
husked |
husker |
huspel |
huspil |
hussar |
hustle |
hutlet |
hutted |
hutung |
hutzpa |
huxter |
huzoor |
huzzah |
huzzas |
Remember, learning 6 letter words that Begin with H doesn't have to be hard. Start with the words you know and slowly add new ones to your list. Happy word gaming!